#9 The Valium Knights [Vk] vs. #28 Queen And Country [QC]
Match Infos
  • Tournament: mAT 2011 November · Playoffs.
  • Guild hall: Isle of Jade.
  • Flux: Hidden Talent.
0 8
Chills Val Knight
0 8
Awrrr Mei Ra
6 4
Bloodred Burnout
6 4
Puella Inflamata
5 8
Incredible Marvin
3 1
Mighty Dwayna
3 1
Anonymous Alex
8 7
Im Gonna Win Big
7 9
Los Dopos And Dhuum
6 9
Don Iz Awesome
6 9
Charlie And Kyle
6 8
Living Pro Nidalee
6 8
Fla Wlless
3 1
Lucy Suber
3 1
Preaching Sanity
8 7
I Super Ster I
Note: some skill descriptions may have changed since this match was played. Highlight the skills with a red border to see these changes.