10 3 12
Attribute: Domination Magic · Campaign: Core.
Hex Spell. For 6 seconds, the next time target foe uses a skill, that skill takes an additional 10...47...56 seconds to recharge.
  • Increased recharge time to 12 seconds
Domination Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
+ Recharge time10131619222528313538414447505356596265687174
Skill revisions (2)
  • Diversion · 10 3 10
  • Hex Spell. For 6 seconds, the next time target foe uses a skill, that skill takes an additional 10...47...56 seconds to recharge. (Attribute: Domination Magic)
    • Increased casting time to 3
    • Increased recharge to 10 seconds
    Domination Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    + Recharge time10131619222528313538414447505356596265687174
  • Diversion · 10 2 5
  • Hex Spell. For 6 seconds, the next time target foe uses a skill, that skill takes an additional 10...47...56 seconds to recharge. (Attribute: Domination Magic)
    Domination Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    + Recharge time10131619222528313538414447505356596265687174