RitualistDeath Pact Signet
You are viewing the PvP version — See Death Pact Signet (PvE) for the PvE version.
Death Pact Signet
4 12
Attribute: Restoration Magic · Campaign: Nightfall.
Signet. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and 15...83...100% maximum Energy. The next time that ally dies within 120 seconds, so do you.
  • Increased casting time to 4 seconds
Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
Energy %152126323843495560667277838994100106111117123128134
Skill revisions (6)
  • Death Pact Signet · 3 12
  • Signet. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and 15...83...100% maximum Energy. The next time that ally dies within 120 seconds, so do you. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Reverted activation time back to 3 seconds
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    Energy %152126323843495560667277838994100106111117123128134
  • Death Pact Signet · 4 12
  • Signet. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and 15...83...100% maximum Energy. The next time that ally dies within 120 seconds, so do you. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Increased activation time to 4 seconds
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    Energy %152126323843495560667277838994100106111117123128134
  • Death Pact Signet · 3 12
  • Signet. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and 15...83...100% maximum Energy. The next time that ally dies within 120 seconds, so do you. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Now resurrects party member with 15...83...100% Energy, instead of the caster's current Energy
    • The energy returned now scales based on your Restoration Magic
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    Energy %152126323843495560667277838994100106111117123128134
  • Death Pact Signet · 3 12
  • Signet. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and Energy. If that party member dies within 120 seconds, so do you. (Attribute: No Attribute)
    • Increased casting time to 3 seconds
    • Increased recharge time to 12 seconds
  • Death Pact Signet · 2 8
  • Signet. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and Energy. If that party member dies within 120 seconds, so do you. (Attribute: No Attribute)
    • Functionality changed to: "Resurrect target party member with your current Health and Energy. If that party member dies within 120 seconds, so do you"
  • Death Pact Signet · 2 8
  • Signet. Resurrect target party member with your current Health and Energy. The next time that ally dies, so do you. (Attribute: No Attribute)