#11 Even Captain Lost His [mojo] vs. #23 I Octobers Very Own I [OVO]
Match Infos
  • Tournament: mAT 2011 December · Playoffs.
  • Guild hall: Isle of Weeping Stone.
  • Flux: Courier's Haste.
7 6
Flight Instructor
1 9
The Tribesman
2 8
C R Y P T O R Il
6 3
Salutations To All
4 5
Journey To Nowhere
3 1
Ralph The Bottom
3 7
Dark Fail Backline
8 6
Unforgivable Enigma
1 9
The Big Play
0 8
Rocketeer Dome
2 3
Jackie Goes Wild
5 7
Court Lady Aerox
4 7
Barbed Arclite
3 1
Rof Rof Rof
3 1
King O K O
8 7
Pfefferkuchen Pony
Note: some skill descriptions may have changed since this match was played. Highlight the skills with a red border to see these changes.