#1 Whats Going On [sup] vs. #31 C A P I T A L I S M [scam]
Match Infos
  • Tournament: Guru 2008 GvG Challenge | Premiere · Quarter-Finals
  • Guild hall: Nomad's Isle
0 6
Tom Teh Erotic
1 6
Candygirl Dkt
2 3
Strong Pirate
6 4
Tale Ioo K Member
5 8
Mystiq The Trick
3 6
Robbie Moenchen
3 6
Sublime Rapture
8 7
Fvx Cant Get Enough
0 6
Inspector Billiard
1 6
This Is Trigger
5 6
Liam Luv
5 6
Ego Brain Il
5 8
Meep Lv
3 5
Coldplay Ftw
3 5
Lee Fang Chi
8 7
Hh Gg Ff
Note: some skill descriptions may have changed since this match was played. Highlight the skills with a red border to see these changes.