#14 Get Good [GG] vs. #25 Half Man Half Bear Half Pig [MBP]
Match Infos
  • Category: Automated Tournaments.
  • Date: 2010/05/26
  • Guild hall: Nomad's Isle.
  • Added: 2010/06/02
1 7
Gladiator Vita
1 7
Taoh Rider X
1 8
Bellatrix Rio (sD)
2 3
Tearzlandru Shot
6 5
Cj So Cute
3 1
Fasha Sanda Heals (/)
3 1
Purple Flurpe
3 6
Working Them Angels
1 6
Frenzy On Recharge
9 5
Zaron Hawksmasher
9 3
Vigilant Villian
5 8
Cryptor Supremacy
5 8
Mr United Statezs (ace)
3 1
Lance Loves Lost (ace)
3 7
Danny Sunshine
3 6
You Need Xlax
Note: some skill descriptions may have changed since this match was played. Highlight the skills with a red border to see these changes.