Mistral Edge [Me] vs. Be Team [be]
Match Infos
  • Tournament: mAT 2008 April · Playoffs.
  • Guild hall: Isle of Weeping Stone.
  • Credits: Zuranthium.
1 6
Sion Be
1 8
Jade Braveheart
1 8
Trunkz Ooo
2 3
Mpz Ooo
2 3
Ilidan Shadowmaster
3 6
Ichiko Sangai Rp
3 6
Questecure Rickroll
3 6
Hot Asia Girl
7 4
7 1
Saku Yen
3 7
Act Hel
5 6
5 7
5 8
3 6
Eiria Curea
3 6
Michelle Berkeley
Note: some skill descriptions may have changed since this match was played. Highlight the skills with a red border to see these changes.