#41 Survival Rate [zero] vs. #52 One Build Wonder [BadV]
Match Infos
  • Category: Automated Tournaments.
  • Date: 2009/02/07
  • Guild hall: Isle of Jade.
  • Added: 2009/02/12
1 7
Qinox Yg
1 4
Acid Ftww (EW)
2 1
Rofl Das Lavamonsta
2 4
Crystal Bob
6 8
Ribonukleotid A
8 7
Fux The Revelator
3 1
Victoria Tuned
3 1
Victoria Confused
1 8
Faith Axiom
1 4
Jatt Kittenstomper (rawr)
2 3
Artemis Bifalmus
4 7
Oblong Box
3 1
Div Ambassador
6 8
Hates Mikiface
3 1
Squeav The Monk (nH)
3 1
I Brock I
Note: some skill descriptions may have changed since this match was played. Highlight the skills with a red border to see these changes.