RitualistWielder's Boon
Wielder's Boon
5 ¼ 4
Attribute: Restoration Magic · Campaign: Factions.
Spell. Heal target ally for 15...51...60 points. If that ally is under the effects of a Weapon Spell, Wielder's Boon heals for an additional 15...63...75 Health.
  • Decreased casting time to .25 seconds
Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
Additional healing15192327313539434751555963677175798387919599
Skill revisions (3)
  • Wielder's Boon · 5 1 4
  • Spell. Heal target ally for 15...51...60 points. If that ally is under the effects of a Weapon Spell, Wielder's Boon heals for an additional 15...63...75 Health. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Increased conditional amount healed to 15...63...75
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    Additional healing15192327313539434751555963677175798387919599
  • Wielder's Boon · 5 1 4
  • Spell. Heal target ally for 15...51...60 points. If that ally is under the effects of a Weapon Spell, Wielder's Boon heals for an additional 15...51...60 Health. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    • Increased conditional heal to 15...51...60 Health
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    Additional healing15182124273033363942454851545760636669727578
  • Wielder's Boon · 5 1 4
  • Spell. Heal target ally for 15...51...60 points. If that ally is under the effects of a Weapon Spell, Wielder's Boon heals for an additional 10...34...40 Health. (Attribute: Restoration Magic)
    Restoration Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
    Additional healing10121416182022242628303234363840424446485052