ElementalistSwirling Aura
Swirling Aura
10 1 15
Attribute: Water Magic · Campaign: Prophecies.
Enchantment Spell. For 5 seconds, you are enchanted with Swirling Aura and have 1...5...6 Health regeneration and a 50% chance to block projectiles. If you are Overcast when you cast this spell, all party members in earshot are also enchanted.
  • Reduced recharge to 15 seconds
  • Changed functionality to: "For 5 seconds, you are enchanted with Swirling Aura and have +1...5...6 Health regeneration and a 50% chance to block projectiles. If you are Overcast when you cast this spell, all party members in earshot are also enchanted"
Water Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
Health regeneration1122233344455566677788
Skill revisions (2)
  • Swirling Aura · 10 1 45
  • Enchantment Spell. For 8...18...20 seconds, Swirling Aura has a 75% chance to block arrows and magical projectiles. (Attribute: Water Magic)
    • Decreased recharge time to 45 seconds
    Water Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
  • Swirling Aura · 10 1 60
  • Enchantment Spell. For 8...18...20 seconds, Swirling Aura has a 75% chance to block arrows and magical projectiles. (Attribute: Water Magic)
    Water Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021