ElementalistEarth Attunement
Earth Attunement
10 1 30
Attribute: Earth Magic · Campaign: Core.
Enchantment Spell. For 36...55...60 seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 1 Energy plus 30% of the base Energy cost of the Skill each time you use Earth Magic.
  • Decreased casting time to 1 second
  • Decreased recharge to 30 seconds
Earth Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
Skill revisions (3)
  • Earth Attunement · 10 2 45
  • Enchantment Spell. For 36...55...60 seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 1 Energy plus 30% of the base Energy cost of the Skill each time you use Earth Magic. (Attribute: Earth Magic)
    • Now return 1 Energy plus 30% of that spell's cost
    Earth Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
  • Earth Attunement · 10 2 45
  • Enchantment Spell. For 36...55...60 seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 30% of the energy cost of the spell each time you use Earth Magic. (Attribute: Earth Magic)
    • Decreased recharge time to 45 seconds
    Earth Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021
  • Earth Attunement · 10 2 60
  • Enchantment Spell. For 36...55...60 seconds, you are attuned to Earth. You gain 30% of the energy cost of the spell each time you use Earth Magic. (Attribute: Earth Magic)
    Earth Magic0123456789101112131415161718192021