MonkVigorous Spirit
Vigorous Spirit
5 ¼ 4
Attribute: Healing Prayers · Campaign: Prophecies.
Enchantment Spell. For 30 seconds, each time target ally attacks or casts a spell, that ally is healed for 5...17...20 health.
  • Decreased casting time to .25 seconds
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Skill revisions (2)
  • Vigorous Spirit · 5 1 4
  • Enchantment Spell. For 30 seconds, each time target ally attacks or casts a spell, that ally is healed for 5...17...20 health. (Attribute: Healing Prayers)
    • Increased heal per skill or attack to 5...17...20
    Healing Prayers0123456789101112131415161718192021
  • Vigorous Spirit · 5 1 4
  • Enchantment Spell. For 30 seconds, each time target ally attacks or casts a spell, that ally is healed for 1...11...13 health. (Attribute: Healing Prayers)
    Healing Prayers0123456789101112131415161718192021