MonkDwayna's Kiss
Dwayna's Kiss
5 1 3
Attribute: Healing Prayers · Campaign: Prophecies.
Spell. Heal target other ally for 15...51...60 health and an additional 10...30...35 health for each enchantment or hex on that ally.
  • Increased conditional heal to 10...30...35 Health
Healing Prayers0123456789101112131415161718192021
Additional healing10121315171820222325272830323335373840424345
Skill revisions (1)
  • Dwayna's Kiss · 5 1 3
  • Spell. Heal target other ally for 15...51...60 health and an additional 5...17...20 health for each enchantment or hex on that ally. (Attribute: Healing Prayers)
    Healing Prayers0123456789101112131415161718192021
    Additional healing567891011121314151617181920212223242526