#1 The Last Pride [EvIL] vs. #2 War Machine [WM] - Game 2 of 2
Match Infos
  • Category: Guild Wars World Championship · Finals
  • Guild hall: Warrior's Isle.
  • Defends: EvIL defends.
  • Credits: Guild Wars Tomb.
1 6
Wm Jang
2 5
War Planeswalker
5 4
Wm 뉘슈
3 4
Wm W B
2 5
War First Queen
4 5
Wm Duran
1 6
Wm Nom
3 4
Wm S R
6 3
Captain Danjang
1 3
Bloodlight Eyes
2 5
War 우노리
1 6
Last Of Master
5 6
Pride Eun Jong
4 3
채 꽃
3 4
Only One Star
3 4
Soul Wedding
Note: some skill descriptions may have changed since this match was played. Highlight the skills with a red border to see these changes.
Match report

The second match between defending champion War Machine and top rated guild EvIL began with EvIL having the home field advantage, and their selecting Warrior Isle for the map. War Machine split, sending one force with the Guild Thief out the side door up to EvIL's back door. EvIL split, too, and attacked the back door of War Machine's base. At 1:10, War Machine was already all the way up inside EvIL's base, working on NPCs. At 1:20 they took down one Archer. At 1:35 they took down a second.

At 2:00, EvIL began pushing into War Machine's base. The fighting continued in both bases, with War Machine gaining the upper hand in EvIL's base and EvIL gaining the upper hand in War Machine's base. At 3:00, WM was regaining its equilibrium in their own base. They killed EvIL's Thief and pushed EvIL out of their base to the Flag Stand.

WM kept up the pressure inside EvIL's base, while at the same time, the splits were struggling over the Flag Stand. WM started to push EvIL back towards their own base. At 5:00, WM body blocked EvIL's flag runner inside EvIL's base, but EvIL got a kill in on one of WM's Monks. Despite the body blocking, EvIL got through and captured the Flag Stand.

Inside EvIL's base, EvIL pinned one of WM's players between an NPC footman and an EvIL player, and took down the WM Warrior. At 7:30, EvIL started pushing WM hard out of their base, and simultaneously started winning the battle at the Flag Stand. WM took three casualties in quick succession. At 8:00, WM respawned, but EvIL dropped a WM Ranger seconds afterwards, denying him the respawn. WM regrouped in their base, while one WM peeled off to harass EvIL's base.

WM split and circled around the back way to resurrect their Ranger and to work on EvIL's NPC Footmen, while EvIL pushed towards the Flag yet again. At 9:30 EvIL took down the WM Warrior who had been harassing EvIL's base, and then shortly thereafter they demolished WM's split team members who were defending the WM base. WM regrouped back at their own base, adopting a defensive posture.

At 11:00, EvIL and WM were fighting in front of WM's base. WM lost a Warrior but quickly got him resurrected. A massive 8-on-8 fight raged in front of WM's base. At 11:30, WM lost one Monk in front of their base, and the second one was forced to retreat. WM split and sent two men past the fight to harass EvIL's base, but they lost one of them. At 12:00, WM got pinned by EvIL in the door of their own base, and lost one player to a catapult shot.

At 12:30, one WM Warrior remained inside EvIL's base putting on the pressure. EvIL sent back two players to chase down the Warrior, while the rest of the EvIL team kept WM pinned in their own base. At 13:20, the WM Warrior inside EvIL's base was no more. WM was down two people, and the rest of their team turtled in their base.

At 14:00 WM respawned and split again, sending four players and the Guild Thief around back, and another four players and the flag to the front. They pulled back with the four in front, while the four in back engaged EvIL. At 16:20 WM pushed forward on both fronts, and brought the fight to EvIL's base. WM got three kills against EvIL, including a Monk and took a second to regroup and regain its composure.

As WM continued to press, a massive battle raged outside of EvIL's base. At 17:45 WM went back to a split team, sending three people out the back and four to the Flag Stand, while one player ran the flag. WM's two split teams continued to fight both sides of EvIL's combined team in front of EvIL's base. At 19:00 EvIL made a major push towards the Flag Stand. WM retreated back, and as soon as EvIL saw WM retreating, they pulled back to the Flag Stand. At 20:00 both teams were fighting over the Flag Stand.

At 21:00, WM split again, and four of their players pushed into EvIL's base. EvIL attacked the front of WM's base and ran over WM, inflicting four deaths and forcing WM to retreat out of EvIL's base. EvIL attacked WM's retreating group with all eight players and tried to stop the retreat. At 22 minutes WM respawned, but one of their players was out due to full Death Penalty. WM regrouped and tried to make a desperate run to the Flag Stand, with all of EvIL on their tail.

At 23:00, WM killed EvIL's flag runner and tried to take control of the flag, but EvIL pushed hard into WM's base. By 23:30 EvIL had killed both WM monks, attacked WM's Bodyguards, and had taken the Guild Lord down to 1/4 health before the WM respawn at 24 minutes.

At 24:30 EvIL killed a WM Monk and maintained their position in the WM base. At 25:00 EvIL killed WM's Necromancer and Warrior. At 25:00 WM again tried to capture the Flag Stand, while EvIL kept the pressure going in WM's base. With no WM monks left, EvIL attacked the Guild Lord and killed him at 25:47.
